Monday, November 2, 2009

Mouse and Camera update

So i still haven't found my camera but me and Bryon bought a new one and it should be here in a couple days so i will post some pictures then :) in the mean time i think we may have finally gotten rid of our mouse problem. ( i'm hopeing!!) since like 2 weeks ago Bryon has caught 5 or 6 big mice, (one was in our bath tub) and 7 baby mice. I'm pretty much terrified to walk downstairs alone now which is kinda difficult now that we live down there. The scariest one the Bryon caught was in my laundry hamper. Its made out of a scratchy not quite plastic material so i threw a shirt in there and it started freaking out and trying to get out so it made the gross scratchy noise and i freaked out and jumped on the bed and freaked out even more cause i realized there could be one in my bed. so after Bryon got rid of it and i calmed down we went through everything in the bedroom to make sure there were no more and we now keep the door closed at all times!! so if anyone needs a mouse catcher Bryon has become very good at it. he even has a wood stick we keep close so he can hit them cuz there to fast to catch...So everyone pray there are no more they scare me so bad i'm surprised they haven't put me into labor haha


mrp670 said...

You better get your camera soon because you have to post fat pictures. Did you find out if it's a girl yet? I have never had a mouse in my house yet. I have heard that half of the houses here have snakes in the attic, but you never know. If you don't have mice, you may have a snake.

Bryon Becca Zoey and Shelby said...

i'll take the mice over snakes any day! i would seriously move if there was a snake!

jfarnsworth said...

Oh boy Becca. You are soooooo dramatic! I am glad I don't have a mouse problem. Maybe you should clean your house more often and then you wouldn't have a mouse infestation. They like dirty houses I hear hahahaha just kidding! All of my neighbors have mice as well! I am glad none of them have eaten you though. That would truly be a tragedy and would take one big fat mouse bigger to eat you

Greg / Nancy said...

Who is bigger, you or the mouse? It's like you are godzilla and the mouse is tiny. Hello... The mouse should be scared, not you. Have you ever been charged by a mouse? NO the mice always run away. Bye the way , snakes don't hide in attics, they hide under beds. Lastly, what are you going to name him? Just don't screw up the chart.

Kellie and Andy said...

Well now we know how to get her into labor before April so it will be a girl!! muah ha ha :D I don't blame you for being scared. Have you the seen the great mouse detective??? Mice are yucko!! And just keep your attic door closed Kristie and we'll all be just fine at your house.

jchushing said...

Um, have you ever heard of a cat? You know, the animal that catches mice. I hear mom and dad have a few to spare. Hee Hee. I almost fell off my chair laughing when I read your "freak out" blog post. Haa haa haa. And if you remeber Jess, my house isn't always spic and span, but I have yet to see a mouse. ;) Now spiders.... that's a different matter.