Thursday, October 14, 2010

Zoey 6 months

So this is Zoey's 6 month picture. i can't believe she's 6 months old she's getting so big!! she's the happiest baby and loves to smile at everyone ( including herself in the mirror) she's growing up to fast!!! she's been rolling from her back to her tummy alot but won't roll from her tummy to her back she just cries till you roll her back over. she's pretty good at sitting up but gets to excited about something and tips over. she has the funniest personality and i love her to pieces!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Jess got free tickets to the circus and she was kind enough to take me and bryon and zoey along :) it was sooo much fun we'd never been before and we got really really good seats thanks to her friend!!

Sorry we didn't get a better picture of you guys!!!

Silly alex and daddy

Zoey wouldn't look at the camera

The tiger cage. and no we didn't get eaten haha

these guys were crazy right after we took the picture he let go of his hand and was only holding on to his head!

i don't think those girls have any bones!

the elephants were my favorite!

this act was pretty crazy they'd jump off a platform on to a tetter-totter thing and fling the other person into the air and they would land on the shoulders of other people..that takes talent! none of them fell i was surprised!

The trampoline people were really cool to! we had alot of fun and zoey loved it! all the sounds and colors she really had fun we all had alot of fun thanks jess!

Zoey is now 6 months old!! crazy! she weighs 15 lbs and 10 oz and is 27 inches long and she's still the cutest baby ever!

zoey loves playing with carter cuz she can grab his face and ears and he doesn't fight back (yet) although i try not to let her attack him

She also likes to steal his binky out of his mouth

Zoey's been eating solids and she will eat anything pretty much except peas which i don't blame her cuz peas are nasty

she loves the mirror she's gonna break it one of these days cuz she attacks it!