Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dr Appointment. girl?? or boy??

So we went in for our 20 week appointment today and we were so excited cuz this was the day to find out what were having. When we got there we learned that we were supposed to set up this weeks appointment with the technician but the Dr forgot to mention that to us so this wasn't our "official" 20 week appointment. But he took us back anyways to see if he could see what is in there and the result is................................... we still don't know haha ;) Apparently he/she is to shy to show anything or is more like Bryon already and thinks it is very funny to hide just so we can't see......So we go back in on the 19th to meet with the technician and the bigger fancier machine that is supposed to be able to see through legs better or something so anyways we all get to wait another 2 weeks! yea! but Dr. Barton did say when he was looking that he is pretty sure it is a girl but he only got a but view and couldn't really be 100 percent sure so he could still be wrong but, if he is right it looks like we will be following the rules and it looks like none of us will get a boy until we have 6 girls first..


mrp670 said...

Like I said, when it's hard to tell it's probably a girl. That's what happened to Witnie, only they could see the second time. You are halfway there! I always told Mark he needed to remind me at the end that being fat was better than being sick, but I am not really too sure about that.

Greg / Nancy said...

Well Becca, Jackie and Kristie are half way to their boy. Are you trying to take a short cut? Or are you going to do it like Mom and Dad showed you. If we had not had six girls which one of you would be a boy?