Thursday, October 14, 2010

Zoey 6 months

So this is Zoey's 6 month picture. i can't believe she's 6 months old she's getting so big!! she's the happiest baby and loves to smile at everyone ( including herself in the mirror) she's growing up to fast!!! she's been rolling from her back to her tummy alot but won't roll from her tummy to her back she just cries till you roll her back over. she's pretty good at sitting up but gets to excited about something and tips over. she has the funniest personality and i love her to pieces!!!


Laura Jett said...

Zoey is freaking adorable!! I just peeked over your past few posts and noticed your job at UPS, how is that going? Are you still liking it? Do you get to sleep in in the mornings to recouperate from getting to bed at probably 4am?!? :S You are amazing!

Greg / Nancy said...

Very cute daughter. I just can't help but wonder shy? We know.

mrp670 said...

That is just too cute!